Scientists are warning that Australia could be at risk of an outbreak of the Zika virus or the further spread of dengue fever if exotic mosquitoes that can carry these diseases are allowed to spread here. They’re particularly worried that travellers could bring in the Asian Tiger Mosquito … Read the full story on
Friendship bands and hair braids may not be the naffest things you bring home from Bali this summer, says an insect and biosecurity expert, who warns that Australia is at risk of an outbreak of Zika or dengue unless more is done to stop exotic mosquitoes setting up home here. Cameron Webb, medical entomologist at […]
There’s something very Australian about the smell of mosquito spray. It’s got a metallic tang, a hint of botanicals and a chemical up-the-nose sensation that spurs memories of camping holidays and cricket games at dusk. But surely all those chemicals can’t be good for you? NSW Health pathology and Sydney University Medical Entomologist Cameron Webb […]
Childcare centres’ ‘no jab, no play’ policies have proved successful in prompting forgetful parents to fully vaccinate their children, a study shows. However, the policies have had no effect on intractable vaccine refusers, according to research carried out in one of Australia’s low-vaccination blackspots in northern NSW. Interviews with the operators of 10 childcare centres […]
Passive exposure to the vapour from e-cigarettes may pose a health risk, an Australian study says. Health Protection NSW researchers reviewed the current evidence on passive exposure, finding most studies concluded e-cigarettes (ECs) could pose a risk to bystanders. “The risk from passive exposure to e-cigarettes is likely to be less than conventional cigarettes but […]
More than one-third of repeat elective caesareans are being delivered earlier than the term mandated by the government, jeopardising the health of thousands of babies each year. NSW Health issued a policy directive to hospitals in 2007 requiring them not to perform elective caesareans before 39 weeks’ gestation unless there was a compelling medical reason. Caesarean […]
Australian adolescent smoking rates are at a record low, but experts say constant vigilance is needed to combat new tobacco marketing strategies. They attribute the drop to rising cigarette prices, smoke-free environment and advertising policies, plain packaging, and restrictions on adolescents’ access to tobacco. A perspective paper, published in the journal Public Health Research & Practice, […]
CONCERN that humans could be put at risk by pets infected with Hendra virus has led NSW authorities to change quarantine regulations to enforce isolation of exposed companion animals. This follows an outbreak in July 2013 on the NSW mid-north coast in which a dog at one of four affected properties tested positive for Hendra virus […]
A number of individual GPs and Australian Doctor have been highlighted as among the most influential Twitter users in the health and medical fields. A list analysing the top 10 Australian Twitter accounts in health and medicine has been compiled by University of Sydney public health researchers Professor Simon Chapman and Dr Becky Freeman. The researchers took […]
Attacking anti-vaccination activists could have an unintended consequence of drawing attention to their argument and alienating parents who “sit on the fence”, says a public health expert. It’s better to play the issue, not the opponent, says Associate Professor Julie Leask, whose views are at odds with pro-vaccination lobby groups like Stop the AVN. While […]