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About us

Public Health Research & Practice is an open-access, peer-reviewed online journal with a strong focus on the connection between research, policy and practice.

Published quarterly, the journal features innovative, high-quality papers that inform public health policy and practice, paying particular attention to innovations, data and perspectives from policy and practice.

The journal is guided by an expert Editorial Board, chaired by Editor-in-Chief Professor Don Nutbeam, a world-renowned and widely published expert in public health.

The journal’s high-quality content and growing impact are demonstrated by:

PHRP also has a strong presence internationally, being ranked in the top 60 of nearly 300 health policy journals globally, and in the top 25% of more than 600 journals in the public health, environmental and occupational health field in the Scimago Journal Rankings.

The journal’s website attracts more than 40,000 page views per month, and almost 3500 readers in Australia and internationally receive regular news updates from the journal.

The journal has been published for nearly a decade by the Sax Institute, an independent, not-for-profit organisation that improves health and wellbeing by driving better use of evidence in policies, programs and services. It draws from a long and distinguished history, having been published by the NSW Ministry of Health for nearly a quarter of a century under its previous title The NSW Public Health Bulletin.

Why publish in Public Health Research & Practice

  • Australian and international reach: The journal publishes leading research of international importance from Australia, as well as attracting an increasing number of international submissions and readers – more than 40% of website visitors are based outside Australia.
  • Influential papers: Impact Factor of 4.4 demonstrating international reach and importance, and number one journal in Australia both for ‘health policy’ and ‘public health, environmental and occupational health’ categories (Scimago Journal Rankings, 2022)
  • Open access: Our open-access policy means Public Health Research & Practice articles are freely available online for people to read and download free of charge.
  • Influential audience: More than one in four of our regular audience is made up of policy makers working for state or federal governments.
  • Fast publication options: Full, edited articles can be published online early in advance of being allocated to an issue.
  • Promotion and media coverage: Our communications team actively promotes each issue of the journal, attracting regular interest from mainstream and health or science-focused media.