Issue 2 of Australia’s newest online-only, open-access public health journal, Public Health Research & Practice, addresses current challenges in communicating and promoting public health messages.
Themed contents
Reflections on a 38-year career in public health advocacy: 10 tips for new players
Simon Chapman, Guest Editor
“Sunlight makes a very strong antiseptic for malodorous health policy”, this paper says. Public health researchers should study the media, take their calls, use killer facts, and above all else, respect the evidence.
Should we do battle with antivaccination activists?
Julie Leask
Taking an adversarial approach to antivaccination activists risks alienating parents, and playing the issue, not the opponent, might be a better way forward.
Social media − what can public health learn from the corporate sector?
Becky Freeman, Sofia Potente, Vanessa Rock, Jacqueline McIver
Corporate giants such IKEA, Cadbury and Smirnoff, can offer some valuable social media lessons for public health, where the potential is great for increasing the reach of public health campaigns.
Health promotion on steroids: an approach to promoting rapid HIV testing in NSW
Nick Roberts, Jo Holden, Timothy Duck, Samara Kitchener
Efforts to increase HIV testing in NSW via Australia’s first ‘pop-up’ rapid testing model and spreading the word through social media have proved popular and considerably extended the reach of ‘test more’ messages.
Marketing to recruit disadvantaged adults to an obesity prevention program
Blythe O’Hara, Dianne Eggins, Philayrath Phongsavan, Andrew Milat, Adrian Bauman, John Wiggers
Using proactive marketing strategies to recruit people to a community-wide obesity prevention program shows promise, this pilot study finds.
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders in Australia – the future is prevention
Elizabeth Elliott
Manual versus automated coding of free-text medication data in the 45 and Up Study
Danijela Gnjidic, Sallie-Anne Pearson, Sarah Hilmer, Jim Basilakis, Andrea Shaffer, Fiona Blyth, Emily Banks
Study of electronic records versus paper records in the NSW Public Oral Health Service
Angela Masoe, Anthony Blinkhorn, Kim Colyvas, Jane Taylor, Fiona Blinkhorn
Hepatitis C enhanced surveillance in southeastern Sydney
Catherine Bateman-Steel, Elizabeth Smedley, Marlene Kong, Mark Ferson
Media contact: Kellie Bisset, Sax Institute
M: 0434 614 578 T: 02 9188 9548 E: [email protected]