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Automated geocoding of routinely collected health data in New South Wales Volume 17 Issue 3-4

Richard Summerhayes, Paul Holder, John Beard, Geoff Morgan, Peter Christen, Alan Willmore, Tim Churches

New South Wales Public Health Bulletin 17(4) 33 - 38 Published: 2006

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About the author/s

Richard Summerhayes

Paul Holder

John Beard

Geoff Morgan

Peter Christen

Alan Willmore

Tim Churches


Almost every record of an individual’s contact with the NSW
health system contains some form of spatial information,
whether a street address or postcode. This information can
be used to assign a geocode to the record, which in turn can
be used to examine the spatial distributions of disease and
health service utilisation. This article describes a study that
compares two different methods of geocoding addresses from
routinely collected administrative health data to enable small
area analysis.