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NSW Public Health Bulletin archive

4. Consultation Volume 14 Issue 1

Julianne Quaine, Margo Eyeson-Annan, Deborah Baker, Belinda O'Sullivan, Margaret Williamson, Louisa Jorm.

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About the author/s

Julianne Quaine

Margo Eyeson-Annan

Deborah Baker

Belinda O'Sullivan

Margaret Williamson

Louisa Jorm.


The survey instrument and methods were developed by the Epidemiology and Surveillance Branch (now the Centre for Epidemiology and Research), NSW Department of Health, in consultation with a Child Health Survey Technical Expert Group (CHSTEG), the NSW area health services, relevant branches of the NSW Department of Health, the NSW Health Survey Program Steering Committee (HSPSC), and a range of topic area consultants. The process was consistent with that described in a report on the overview and methods of the NSW Health Survey Program 1996-2000.