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Review of the NSW Public Health Bulletin: A qualitative survey of stakeholders Volume 17 Issue 11-12

Jacq Hackett, D Lynne Madden

New South Wales Public Health Bulletin 17(12) 175 - 177 Published: 2006 Full text doi:10.1071/NB06046

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About the author/s

Jacq Hackett

D Lynne Madden


In 2005, the NSW Department of Health commissioned
an external review of the NSW Public Health Bulletin.
This article describes the methods and findings of the
qualitative survey. Participants included people working
in population health from within the Department of
Health, area health services, the tertiary sector and nongovernment
organisations. There were fifty interviews, two
focus groups and eight written surveys. The review found
substantial support and respect for the Bulletin. It described
the features of the Bulletin that stakeholders valued and
provided suggestions to strengthen the publication. These
findings will guide developments in the Bulletin’s purpose,
presentation, content and distribution for its readership.